re-awaken and heal your body Using the Feldenkrais Method®
Feldenkrais® is a physical movement and hands-on body work method. It uses gentle movements of your skeleton to repattern your mind and nervous system. This brilliant relaxing process can help your nervous system let go of unconscious habits and patterns that hinder your movement or cause discomfort - physical and emotional. Feldenkrais® helps you to learn new, supportive patterns of posture and movement which can ease discomfort and improve your physical function.
Improving your physical experience in the world can improve your overall sense of wellbeing.
Without directed attention to unconscious habits and patterns, almost everyone develops stress points that make our physical and mental life more trying and can accelerate the aging process.
Why focus on the body-mind connection?
As psychotherapists who use hypnotherapy, breathwork, Feldenkrais® and other transpersonal healing modalities, we have experienced how working on the mental-emotional body can improve physical health. But, the mind-body connection is not actually between two separate parts of ourselves. The mind, emotions, and physicality are all one in the same. Every bodily experience informs our mental/emotional state and vice versa. When you improve in one, it affects them all. It doesn’t matter where you start, but attention to each is required for overall improvement.
Clients can opt to receive this somatic body work with Jenny as a stand-alone practice or as an adjunct to enhance their psychotherapeutic process. The Feldenkrais Method ® is given in a hands-on sessions (on a massage table) and is also taught in group classes. Jenny gives online and some in-person classes throughout the year. Check with her for class times and availability.